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Day 2 #16DaysOfActivism 2023

Join us for #16DaysOfActivism from across the Parallel Lives Network.

I’ll be interviewing network members about their own particular take on activism and what it means to their cause.

The programme runs from Saturday 25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – through to Human Rights Day on Sunday 10th December.

For Day 2, I was delighted to interview Kavita Ashok, an Environmentalist, Women and Health activist, and President of Tree for Life NGO in New Delhi, India.

We spoke about air pollution in New Delhi, the impact of deforestation in Uttarakhand – from landslides, road building, and the story in the news currently about the trapped tunnel workers – and the upcoming COP28 UAE (The 28th Session of the UN Climate Change Conference of Parties) being held in the UAE.


Delhi pollution: Indian Supreme Court’s 40-year quest to clean foul air

Delhi air pollution: Schools shut as air quality turns severe