Tag Archive For "Turn Up The Volume"
Event Review: Turn Up The Volume
On Friday 11th February 2022 as part of Children’s Mental Health Week, the Parallel Lives Network hosted a 5-hour live-streamed newsroom around the theme of Movement, in partnership with WACIT (World Awareness of Children In Trauma). The newsroom connected young adults from the UK, Turkey, Brazil & Pakistan who showcased the work they are involved …
Turn Up The Volume – Movement, Migration and Mental Health
Migration, the voluntary and/ or forced movement of people to foreign destinations is not unique to the 21st century, it has existed for centuries. It has only recently become politicised in the late 20th century and early 21st century. Research from both the Refugee Council and ’25 child and migrant rights organisations’ (Wolfe-Robinson & Taylor, …
Event: Turn Up The Volume
The Parallel Lives Network (PLN) is extremely excited to be working on a special ‘youth led’ event focused on the theme of ‘Movement’. Off the back of the success of the World Photography Day newsroom delivered in partnership with World Awareness for Children in Trauma (WACIT) back in August, it was agreed that the PLN …