Day 2 #16DaysOfActivism

Welcome to Day 2 of #16DaysOfActivism from across the Parallel Lives Network. Following on from the ‘train the trainer’ workshop delivered by Tina Barton earlier in the year, I’m pleased to say we have made great steps in expanding the reach of the Bear Earth CiC period poverty training. Of the 12 Global Health Masters …

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Day 1 #16DaysOfActivism

Join us for #16DaysOfActivism from across the Parallel Lives Network. I’ll be interviewing members about their own particular take on activism and what it means to their cause. The programme runs from Friday 25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – through to Human Rights Day on Saturday 10th December. …

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PAVE Conference: Volunteer Opportunities

We hope you enjoyed the 2022 PAVE Conference on Wednesday 2nd November at De Montfort University. If you are reading this then you either took the time to speak with us on our stand (thank you!) or attended one of our talks hosted in the afternoon – there is a brief reminder of each speaker …

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Event Calendar 2022/23

Please find below a calendar of events being hosted by the Parallel Lives Network. If you would like to discuss how your organisation could be involved please email John Coster [email protected] or use the Contact form on the website’s Home Page. September 2022 Monday 12th – UN Day for South South Cooperation October 2022 Monday …

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DocXplorers Series: Jane Holden

The DocXplorers Series involves John Coster interviewing industry practitioners and issue experts from across the Parallel Lives Network’s Members and supporters. Next up is Jane Holden who is challenging herself to a 26 mile marathon with a difference! Jane is the Director of Fundraising for the Andrew Grene Foundation that runs the Andrew Grene High School in Haiti. Currently, they use …

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Event Review: Turn Up The Volume

On Friday 11th February 2022 as part of Children’s Mental Health Week, the Parallel Lives Network hosted a 5-hour live-streamed newsroom around the theme of Movement, in partnership with WACIT (World Awareness of Children In Trauma). The newsroom connected young adults from the UK, Turkey, Brazil & Pakistan who showcased the work they are involved …

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Resources: Language Cafe

The Language Cafe is hosted at the Documentary Media Centre, 14 Northampton Street, Leicester on the 1st Saturday of each month between 11:00am – 1:00pm. Each month is themed and we invite a guest who can share their national language/s with us. During our first Language Cafe of 2022, we had a guest from China….Layla. Here …

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Turn Up The Volume – Movement, Migration and Mental Health

Migration, the voluntary and/ or forced movement of people to foreign destinations is not unique to the 21st century, it has existed for centuries. It has only recently become politicised in the late 20th century and early 21st century. Research from both the Refugee Council and ’25 child and migrant rights organisations’ (Wolfe-Robinson & Taylor, …

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International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM 6th February

On Thursday 3rd February, John Coster, Parallel Lives Network Director and Delta, DMU Year 1 Journalism student, hosted a content gathering session at the She Inspires Global Community & Enterprise Hub in Leicester. Zinthiya Ganeshpanchen, CEO of the Zinthiya Trust invited us to speak with staff and visitors using the Hub over three hours to …

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DocXplorers Programme

The DocXplorers programme is where the Doc Media Centre’s resources ‘intersect’ with the Parallel Lives Network. Through the creative use of documentary media from our Museum, Archive and Library collections – including films, photography, audio and new media – we will be creating exhibitions, events and immersive experiences that connect individuals with the world around them. These …

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